Excuse My French.

by Chris

Freelance French
Copy Editor and Proofreader
for Online Content

Pun intended, Excuse My French is your freelance proofreader for all your online content in French.
Avoid the wrath of the Internet with typo-free texts and culturally appropriate content. From localised websites to corporate newsletters, I bulletproof your brand in the French language.

I copy-edit and proofread blog articles to enhance inbound marketing strategies, fine-tune translated content for multilingual websites across diverse industries, optimize navigation menus, and refine product descriptions for e-commerce websites, among other valuable services.

I collaborate regularly with website owners and designers, copywriters, creative and translation agencies, optimizing French content for maximum impact.

Machine Translation
Post-Editing for Websites

I help website owners reach French-speaking audiences through AI-powered machine translation with a human touch.

Machine translation post-editing entails thorough proofreading, copy-editing, and even rewriting to ensure clear and grammatically correct translations.
I also make sure that everything fits on your screen.

I specialise in working with WordPress sites, and I have extensive experience with various commonly used multilingual plugins for translating content.With my expertise, I ensure that your content is polished, error-free, and culturally appropriate, delivering a smooth user experience for your audience.

Who Am I

  • Native French speaker

  • Certified proofreader, trained in Paris

  • Sorbonne graduate in Political Science

  • 15 years spent in English-speaking countries, currently based in Ireland

  • Worked for 10 years in the tech industry, with experience at Meta, Twitter, Google, and more

  • Run a travel blog on WordPress!

Find Me Online!

Find me on major freelancing platforms. They are handy for short projects, and you can pay securely.

Or Get In Touch!

À bientôt.

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